Post Mortem Whem Man and Woman Go For Lunch
1. Lunch time, walk to the restaurant
2. Enter the restaurant
3. Take plate with rice
4. Choose ‘soong’
5. Give the tau keh look see
6. Pay money and look for table to Tup Toi
7. Order drink and start eating
8. Finish meal, swipe oily mouth with hand
9. Walk back to office
10. Sleep
1. Lunch time!! Go make up at toilet with colleagues
2. Walk to restaurant holding hands while watching other people walking or their clothes
3. Become fashion critics / gossips
4. While walking, look at shoe or make sure clothes are proper using the shop’s window glass as mirror
5. Reach restaurant, look see look see around first
6. Feng shui not ngam, look for other restaurant
7. Repeat 5 – 6 till suitable restaurant found
8. Survey food first like shark
9. Order food and sit down
10. Tell drink waiter to come back later because got gossip
11. Order drink
12. Drink come and start to inspect the glass, the straw, the spoon etc for clealiness
13. Pay money to drink waiter after satisfy with health check
14. Food come, pay money and continue gossip
15. After 5 minutes, then finally eat.
16. Complained about the food already cold, not nice, too oily, not enough kicap etc
17. Did not finish food and continue gossip
18. Make a move when started to realize other people wanted the table
19. Survey food 1 more round like shark for tea break
20. Tapau kueh and walk back to office
21. Complain about the weather, the traffic, the people and gossip continue
22. Stop by pharmacy to get monthly ‘supplies’ or see whether got free lipstick testing
23. Almost 2 o’clock, complained late liow
24. Run quickly go back office
25. Stop by toilet and apply make up
26. Go to office sit down and take the phone and call friend and gossip
No wonder women are more complex than men :p
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