31 March 2007

How Do You Describe Your Friend?

There are 8 ways i can describe you as a good friend.

- Lifely, Adorable, Nice, Caring, Heartful, Encouraging, Optimistic and Wonderful.
In short you are my L.A.N.C.H.E.O.W. friend.

There are 7 ways i can describe you as a caring friend.
- Clever, Happy, Enjoyable, Entertaining, Bubbly, Young and Exciting.

In short you are my C.H.E.E.B.Y.E friend.

There are 6 ways i can describe you as an understanding friend.
- Caring,Humble, Intelligent, Playful, Easy-going and Toughtful.
In short you are a
C.H.I.P.E.T. friend.

There are 5 ways i can describe you as a best friend.
- Fashionable, Up-to-date, Cute, Kind-Hearted and Understanding.
In short


Admin said...

wahh like that you got lots of friends lah

Brother Wai said...

yeah lor.. i got a lot of L.A.N.C.H.E.O.W. friends lah, C.H.E.E.B.Y.E friends lah, C.H.I.P.E.T. friend lah and not forgetting F.U.C.K.U. friends also